
Newsletter HERE


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 10/2016 (D73)

Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D73) of the HERE Platform for Business is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of:Geocoder API, HLP Routing API, Map Image API, Map Tile API, Traffic API, Positioning API, Waypoint Sequence Extension, Custom Location Extension, Platform Data Extension, Toll Cost Extension, Fleet Connectivity Extension and Route Match Extension.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release; highlights are:

- Launch of HERE Positioning API RESTful web service

- Improved heuristic for truck routing calculation

- PDE: Added POI search functions to the tile retrieval functions

- New HERE Platform Self-hosted Q3/2016 release


Abkündigung Nokia Domains

Nokia domains to be deprecated


Ab 1.Januar 2017 werden keine …api.nokia.com… URLs mehr unterstützt.

Stattdessen können bereits jetzt api.here.com…. für alle requests verwendet werden.


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 09/2016 (D72)

Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D72) of the HERE Platform for Business is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Geocoder API, Geocoder Autocomplete API, Public Transit API, HLP Routing API, Traffic Data API, Places API, Waypoint Sequence Extension, Custom Location Extension, Platform Data Extension, Toll Cost Extension, Fleet Connectivity Extension, Route Match Extension, HERE Android SDK and HERE iOS SDK.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release; highlights are:

- Geocoder API: Improved match quality in France and Puerto Rico

- WSE: Added support for pedestrian mode

- PDE: New content layers are introduced: Electric Vehicle charging stations and Truck POI


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 08/2016 (D71)

Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D71) of the HERE Platform for Business is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Geocoder API, Geocoder Autocomplete API, Public Transit API, HLP Routing API, Traffic Data API, Places API, Custom Location Extension, Platform Data Extension, Toll Cost Extension, Fleet Connectivity Extension and Route Match Extension.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release; highlights are:

- Geocoder API: Improved match quality in Italy, Mexico and Finland

- HLP Router: improved bike routing service

- Toll Cost Extension: Added support for height above first axle.


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 07/2016 (D70)

Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D70) of the HERE Platform for Business is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Geocoder API, Geocoder Autocomplete API, Public Transit API, HLP Routing API, Traffic Data API, Places API, Custom Location Extension, Waypoint Sequence Extension, HERE Android SDK and HERE iOS SDK.

You will find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release; highlights are:

  • HERE Mobile SDK now supports client side rendering of customized maps
  • Improved performances of big matrices calculation in Matrix Routing
  • Places API Autosuggest is promoted from Beta to commercial availability

Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 06/2016 (D69)

Dear Customer,


Please be advised that a new release (D69) of the HERE Platform is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Geocoder API, Traffic Data API, Custom Location Extension, Platform Data Extension, Toll Cost Extension, Fleet Connectivity Extension and Map Feedback API.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release; highlights are:

- Geocoder API: Improved match quality in India, Mexico, Canada and USA

- Traffic Pattern tiles support has been extended to 12 new countries in EMEA

- Visual editing of POIs in the Admin GUI is added to CLE

- Improved cost optimized routing

- The Map feedback API now also supports Truck related attributes


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 05/2016 (D68)

Dear Customer,

Please be advised that a new release (D68) of the HERE Platform is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: HLP Routing API, Map Tile API, Geocoder API, Batch Geocoder API, Traffic API, Places API, Waypoints Sequence Extension, Geofencing Extension, Toll Cost Extension, Route Match Extension, Custom Location Extension.

As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release has the following highlights:

- Geocoder API: Improved India match quality by increasing ranking weight of postal codes

- TCE API: Belgium introduced a new road toll system, that replaces the existing Eurovignette system since April 2016. This new system is now available in the service.

- CLE API v2.0 release: improved Performance and scalability



Build innovative, powerful mobile solutions with HERE Mobile SDK

Location capabilities to drive your enterprise mobility solutions


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 03/2016 (D67)

Dear Customer,

Please be advised that a new release (D67) of the HERE Platform is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release.
This release includes updates of: HLP Routing API, Map Tile API, Geocoder and Geocoder Autocomplete API, Batch Geocoder API, Waypoints Sequence Extension, Route Match Extension, Traffic API, Venue Maps API and Transit API.


We will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release, highlights are:

- Added support of street intersection search in Mexico and other Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries.

- Weekly map updates for Platform Data Extension API


Release Notification Product Update HERE Platform for Business 02/2016 (D66)

Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D66) of the HERE Platform is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: HLP Routing API, Map Tile API, Geocoder and Geocoder Autocomplete API, Batch Geocoder API, Waypoints Sequence Extension, Route Match Extension, Traffic API, Venue Maps API and Transit API.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.


Management Summary

The release is mainly a maintenance release, highlights are:

  • Geocoder improved accuracy in Australia
  • Number of Venues increased to 13,908
  • Mobile SDK now supporting Android 6