
Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D59) of the HERE Platform is available on the Production Environment (PRD).

We send this email to all those who apply for access credentials to the platform, based on the information they provide when registering.

This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates in: Maps API for JavaScript, HLP Routing, Map Tile API, Geocoder API, Batch Geocoder, Traffic API, Places API, Data Lens, HERE Android and IOS SDK – Premium Editions and a new self-hosting release.


As well, we will publish the release documentation on the Developer Portal.

Management Summary

  • HLP Router completes feature parity with Enterprise Router
  • Geocoder improvements in Spain, now supporting Catalan language
  • Geocoder: search for addresses improved in India
  • Data Lens: Geocoding of customers’ own data via the Data Lens Editor UI and Code Export of visualizations created with the tool
  • New self-hosting release available


For detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Platform for Business Services and Products, see the sections below:


Maps for JavaScript API


Dynamic clustering provides efficient clustering for the data sets that are subject to frequent updates.

Image overlay provides an easy way to display bitmap data that covers a region on the map.

Night map schemas were added to the default layer set.

Offline caching functionality provides an easy way to store map tiles to device's database so it can be used when data connection is not available.

Additional clustering algorithm provides grid-based clustering with a greater precision.


HLP Routing

Version 7.2.59

  • HLP router full compatible with Enterprise Router feature
    • Added support for Permanent Virtual ID (PVID) as link id value.
    • Support for Historical Speed Patterns (HSP).
    • Isoline and Truck Routing moved out of BETA status.
  • Significant enhancement of capabilities of Matrix service, supporting:
  • car, carHOV and truck route modes
    • M:N requests
    • Departure time and time aware route calculations
    • Traffic mode support
    • Avoid links and avoid areas
  • A conversion guide is available, that helps customers to switch to the HLP Router


Map Tile API


  • A new tile type added called blinetile that shows the same information as the base tile, but without buildings. •
  • New feature added for metadata that shows the simplified building outline, this only works with mgen=2.


Traffic API


  • This release includes change for flow and incidents update cycle to 2 minutes.
  • Coverage extension for Flow and Incidents for the following cities in Canada: Manitoba, NB, NS PEI, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon-Nunavut.


Geocoder API

Version 6.2.88

  • India: Users can now search for addresses on unnamed streets.
  • India: Users can now search for addresses within a city, district, and sub-district. The Geocoder considers all the area information. Until now, the Geocoder was only able to match either city and district or city and sub-district.
  • Spain: Better support for regional languages. Spanish translations of street types for Galician speaking regions are now supported.
  • Support for additional disputed areas Abu Musa Island, Tunb Islands, and Ilemi Triangle.
  • Weekly map updates based on Stable Baseline.


Batch Geocoder API

Version 6.2.88

  • Release is tested against the latest Geocoder version.


Places API

Version 1.0.11821

  • POI Content updates: Includes Core POIs such as global airports, hospitals, banks grocery stores, etc.
  • Enhanced category search for:
  • Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Movies plus location, Distance ranking for Snacks/Fast Food, Chain plus Location i.e. Starbucks Berlin, Enhanced Chain Search, Operating Hours.


HERE Android SDK – Premium Edition

Version 3.0.1

  • Added support for Android M.
  • Expanded support of automatic geopolitical maps
  • Improved the smoothness of zoom transitions in drive mode


HERE iOS SDK – Premium Edition

Version 3.0.1

  • Expanded support of automatic geopolitical maps
  • Added new NMAMapView APIs for setting the visible map layers according to their categories.


Data Lens

Version 1.4.11

  • Added HTTP headers to substitute app_id, app_code query parameters: X-Datalens-App-Id, XDatalens-App-Code. Both are whitelisted in CORS.
  • All geo layers are assigned unique UUID.
  • Stability fixes and increased performance.
  • Geocoding jobs are retuning HTTPs tracking URLs, when appropriate


Self Hosting

  • New self-hosting release based on D58 with Q2/2015 map data available including the Map Tile API, Geocoder API and the Maps for JavaScript API.
  • Traffic and Enterprise Router scheduled to be released by AUGUST – both will contain Q1/2015 data.


IMPORTANT: Migration of Maps API for JavaScript


Last year we announced the release of the new HERE Maps API for JavaScript 3.0 built to support both enterprise and consumer use cases, while assuring improved performance, processing speed and faster load time. This release is just further evidence of our commitment to continuous innovation through services that support today’s customer development environments.


The new HERE Maps API for JavaScript 3.0 provides customers today with important features and capabilities including:

  • Support for a broad range of applications from consumer facing to enterprises
  • Consolidation of all backend capabilities of HERE Platform into one single API
  • Application development across any browser environment
  • Further optimization for mobile browsers
  • Improved performance (leaner size and optimized API code), redesigned using latest browser and hardware technology
  • Improved processing speed and faster load times
  • Feature completeness compared to version 2.5.4


Following this release, we will be phasing out the HERE Maps API for JavaScript 2.x by September 30th, 2015. This means that, after this date, no further maintenance and support will be provided. In case you have any questions or if you run into any issues while migrating to the new HERE Maps API for JavaScript 3.0, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you with the migration process.


This release notification will be issued on a monthly basis in synch with the HERE Platform release drops.


Kind regards

HERE Platform for Business Team
