
Dear Customer,


please be advised that a new release (D99­­) of the HERE Location Suite is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Maps API for JavaScript, Geocoder API, Map Tile API, Places API, Fleet Telematics API and Map Data Korea.


This release is mainly a maintenance release.

You will find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.


For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Suite Services and Products, see the sections below:

Places API

Version 2.69.0


  • Sight and sights added as English synonyms to Sights & Museum category.
  • The Place report feature is discontinued.

Fleet Telematics API

Version 2.5.11


  • calculateroute.json: Warnings when waiting for truck bans or similar admin wide restrictions got additional attributes isoCountryCode and duration (time).
  • calculateroute.json: New request parameter &vehicleCostOnFerry to override the vehicle_cost (cost per kilometer) while riding a ferry.

HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit

Version 1.4


Now also available on the GitHub:

Map Data Korea for Mobile SDK

Version (Q3 2018)

  • Major roads updates
  • Lane attribute coding applied into 80,694 intersections

Because of legal restrictions the map is only available from within South Korea.

The following services had new releases with minor changes:

  • Maps API for JavaScript (Version
  • Geocoder API (Version 6.2.171)
  • Map Tile API (Version
  • Fleet Telematics API (Version 2.5.10)


General Rules Related to HERE Materials and Applications
In line with the HERE Platform core terms, please ensure that the users of your application build on HERE Mobile SDKs Premium Edition constantly download the latest map version within a couple of weeks after the new map release has been available.

New incidents endpoint for Traffic API
• In May 2018, new /traffic/6.3/incidents endpoint launched to support more incidents data
• The old endpoints /traffic/6.1/incidents and /traffic/6.2/incidents will be working for customers that are still using it
