
Dear customer,


A new release (D110) of the HERE Location Suite is now available in the production environment (PRD).


This email includes release notes about improvements to services in the new release, including updates of Maps API for JavaScript, Geocoder API, Routing API, Large Matrix Routing, Fleet Telematics API, Mobile SDKs for Android and iOS andHERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit.


This was mainly a maintenance release.

Highlights include:

  • Large Matrix Routing API
  • ETA tracking feature in Fleet Telematics API
  • Driver rest-time-per-country granularity in Fleet Telematics API
  • Special release of HERE Mobile SDK Premium Edition


You can find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.

Maps API for JavaScript



  • Support for additional HERE XYZ endpoints was added


Routing API

Version 7.2.110


  • Note elements as response to potentially difficult turns on the route were added. Now, when a route has difficult turns despite a user request to avoid them, the response will include warnings provided as the Note element of RouteType and ManeuverType.

Large Matrix Routing API

Version 1.0.1


The Large-Scale Matrix Routing service is now available on the HERE Developer Portal. With it you can calculate the best routes through one or more locations, showing distances and/or ETAs from up to 10,000 origins and destinations.


  • Compute a routing matrix with up to 10,000 origins and 10,000 destinations.
  • Specify a region with a maximum diameter of 400 km or automatically derive one.
  • Use traffic information in the calculation of the routing matrix.
  • Calculate routes for cars or trucks.


Fleet Telematics API

Version 3.0.24


  • New ETA Tracking feature. For route calculation, also send your GPS trace. Routing then provides a more accurate ETA, considering exact position, rest times taken and/or upcoming and planned waypoints, whether reached or not.
  • Driver rest times can now be switched on across countries. Specify &restTimes=local to include driver rest time (hours of service) regulations in each country along the route.


HERE Mobile SDK Premium Edition Android and iOS – Special Release

Version 3.13.3


  • Fixed issue when license key couldn’t be decoded on 32bit devices – iOS specific
  • Fixed issue with NMAKit private API usage – iOS specific
  • Fixed issue with dependency of deprecated UIWebView – iOS specific
  • Fixed typo in the new filtering feature method to ‘setAddressFilter’ – Android specific
  • Fixed 'signal X, code Y' exceptions – Android specific


HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit

Version 2.1.3


This is a HERE SDK 3.13 integration release. Major changes and features:



  • Tested with the HERE SDK 3.13 release
  • Fixed minor issues
  • Removed PowerMock from project dependencies
  • Handled deprecations



  • Integrated the HERE SDK 3.13 release
  • Updated to Xcode 11.1
  • Updated deployment target to iOS 11
  • Fixed minor issues


The detailed release notes are here:


You can find all API documentation on the:



These services have new releases with minor changes:

  • Geocoder API (Version 6.2.191)


Deprecation of Public Venues
• Venues of publicly accessible locations such as e.g. airports or shopping malls are no longer being maintained by HERE. If you are a venue owner and wish for HERE to continue to maintain and surface your venue in our offerings, or those of our partners, please contact us at venues.support@here.com.
Use of Public Venues will be available to commercial customers until end of contract.


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Kind regards

HERE Platform for Business Team
