
Dear Customer,


p­lease be advised that a new release (D118) of the HERE Location Services is now available on the Production environment (PRD).


This release includes updates of: Routing API, Maps API for JavaScript, Geocoder & Search API, Fleet Telematics API and HERE SDK for Android and iOS.

The Release highlights are:

  • Routing - Added support for routing over Express/High-Occupancy Vehicle
  • Geocoding & Search -Search along the route and filtering of results by radius or bounding box
  • Mobile SDK - New map schemes have been introduced to support satellite images together with vector-based street labels
  • Mobile SDK and Maps API for JS - Support for interactive private venues

For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Services, see the sections below.

You will find all API documentation and release notes on the Developer Portal.


Usage of CIT (Customer Integration and Testing)
• CIT is not anymore intended to be used by customer.
• All evaluation customers are entitled to use production.
• CIT was announced to be ramped down by end of Q2/2020.
• To ensure continued availability we now redirect requests to production

As we still see numerous customers still using CIT with an amount of transactions that indicate commercial usage, we now redirect requests to the Production environment until we observe a significant drop in number of requests coming into those CIT endpoints.

Regardless the redirection customers are still being requested to update their configurations to point to Production, ASAP. Only through this customer can avoid any latency due to the redirection.

To switch to production its only needed to take out the ..cit.. from the service URL. E.g. http://geocoder.api.here.com/ instead of http://geocoder.cit.api.here.com

Please refer also to latest developer guides as available on developer.here.com

HERE Location Services on Platform


Version 8.3.1


  • Added support for routing over Express/High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. See vehicle parameter
  • Added wait action generated for waypoints with waiting time (e.g. when stopDuration is set or charging is needed)


Geocoding & Search

Version 7.0.50

  • Geocoder Autocomplete Beta released (GA expected in July)
  • Geocoder now supports high precision postal code queries in Singapore and Ireland
  • Geocoder quality improved in Hong Kong and Macau with new data set
  • Search Autosuggest, Discover and Browse endpoints now support search along the route
  • Search Autosuggest, Discover and Browse endpoints now support filtering of results by radius or bounding box


HERE SDK for Android and iOS (Lite Edition)

Version 4.4.02

  • Search for places along a route
  • Search for places by category along a route. This feature is in BETA state.
  • Added to the Details class the method: List<PlaceCategory> getPrimaryCategories() to get a place category from the result of a search query.
  • Added a new font with Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters. The font occupies 1.7MB and can be optionally removed to save space.


HERE SDK for Android and iOS (Explore Edition)



  • New map schemes have been introduced to support satellite images together with vector-based street labels: HYBRID_DAY and HYBRID_NIGHT.
  • Added to the MapCamera class the method: void setTargetOrientation (@NonNull MapCamera.OrientationUpdate orientation) to set only the target orientation in relation to the camera.
  • By default, polylines are rendered in the order as they have been added to the map. This can now be changed at runtime by setting the draw order. It's now also possible to change the width and outline width at runtime.
  • Search for places along a route
  • Search for places by category along a route. This feature is in BETA state.
  • Added to the Details class the method: List<PlaceCategory> getPrimaryCategories() to get a place category from the result of a search query.

HERE SDK for Android and iOS (Navigate Edition)



Additional features to the Explore version:

  • Support for interactive private venues has been introduced. This feature is available for private venues owners upon request.

HERE SDK for Android and iOS (Premium Edition)

Version 3.16 (Last release of the 3.x SDK with new features before it gets into maintenance!)


  • Improved 2D footprints coverage for Russia.
  • Added HERE Hazard Warnings service support as beta feature with North America and Europe coverage.
  • Extended routing options with the possibility to set balanced route type for truck routing.
  • Added Picture-In-Picture(PIP) mode support for MapFragment.
  • Added Navigation and Tracking mode support for buses on public transport roads.
  • Added ability to set lane assistance mode while Routing/Guidance.
  • Added Route Match service support which allows to get the most probable route for a small set of GPS traces.
  • Added ability to show traffic on more than one Map instance.
  • Provided API to control alternative routes number.
  • Improved routing and navigation based on custom map data (Fleet Telematics Custom Route feature). Added maneuver action, direction and lane information to the routing response.


Maps API for JavaScript



  • Added the new module (mapsjs-venues.js) responsible for the rendering and interaction with the HERE (private) Venues service.


HERE Location Services

Fleet Telematics API

Version 3.0.31


  • New Route Match feature: Report Illegal Environmental Zone Access
    • Route Match can now also return warnings where vehicles illegally drove inside environmental zones.


Intersolute Logo

Kind regards

HERE Platform for Business Team
