Dear Customer,
May every day of the new year glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family.
Happy New 2019 Year!
Please be advised that a new release (D100) of the HERE Location Suite is now available on the Production environment (PRD).
This is a special release. We celebrate 100 months of HERE Location Services.

This email includes release notes that describe the improvements to the services in the new release. This release includes updates of: Geocoder Autocomplete API, Routing API, Traffic API, Positioning API, Fleet Telematics Waypoints Sequence API, Fleet Telematics API, Advertising Services API, Mobile SDKs for Android and iOS and Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit.
You will find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.
Management Summary
The release highlights are:
- Improved handling of truck weight restrictions for single and tandem axle (US specific) in Routing API
- Improved functionality to avoid difficult turns in Routing API
- Expanding functionality to avoid environmental zones by including additional conditions in Routing API
- Launch of Advertising Services API
- New HERE Mobile SDK release with new truck specific ETA calculation model, enabled Turn by Turn guidance for bike routes and other enhancements
- New HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit, that is now open source.
For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Suite Services and Products, see the sections below:
Routing API
Version 7.2.100
- Added support for license plate-based restrictions in Indonesia and Philippines.
- Added options to avoid zones of indicated types.
- Fixed issue of single and tandem axle (US specific) weight restrictions being evaluated as gross weight restrictions.
- Increased range of U-turn types avoided when requested to avoid difficult turns.
Positioning API
Version 1.7.0
- We added HTTP/2 support.
- We added support for positioning based on a single WLAN AP.
Fleet Telematics API
Version 2.5.11
- New request parameter
to force routing reaches certain waypoint despite vehicle access or weight restrictions. - New PDE layer ENV_ZONE_RESTR containing access restriction details for environmental zones for routing and driver alert purposes.
Advertising Services API
Version 1.0.0
Advertising Data Services is a REST API that enriches geo-coordinates with a smart location context to enable audience segmentation, campaign attribution, content personalization and analytics use cases. This allows you to optimize your advertising spend by enhancing your audience creation and campaign measurement.
Please refer to the Developer’s Guide to get more information.
HERE Android SDK
Starter Edition version 3.10:
- According to changes in Android API 28 with deprecation of corresponding Mobile SDK API is marked as deprecated and new API introduced instead. For more information see official Android documentation.
Premium Edition version 3.10:
- Implemented truck specific ETA calculation model
- Enabled Turn by Turn guidance for bike routes
- Implemented possibility to set/get course for all waypoints on the route
- Added error reporting when re-routing fails
- Added possibility to customize stopover reached callback
- Added feature to retrieve distance on route
- Added feature to specify wait time for each waypoint
- Added possibility to retrieve TTA for specific subleg
- Autosuggest is now supported for offline mode
- Added feature to retrieve remaining distance during guidance
- Added possibility to customize upcoming part of the route
- Added ability to configure cache size (64MB - 1000MB)
- Implemented maneuver restrictions on motorcycle turn cost tables
- Fixed positioning latency issue
- According to changes in Android API 28 with deprecation of corresponding Mobile SDK API is marked as deprecated and new API introduced instead. For more information see official Android documentation.
- Improved map representation in Mercator Projection
- Simplified creation of MapMarker objects
Starter Edition version 3.10:
- Added support for new iPad Pro (released on Oct 30, 2018)
- Improved error handling
Premium Edition version 3.10:
- Implemented truck specific ETA calculation model
- Enabled Turn by Turn guidance for bike routes
- Implemented possibility to set/get course for all waypoints on the route
- Added error reporting when re-routing fails
- Added possibility to customize stopover reached callback
- Added feature to retrieve distance on route
- Added feature to specify wait time for each waypoint
- Added possibility to retrieve TTA for specific subleg
- Supported offline mode for Autosuggest
- Added feature to retrieve remaining distance during guidance
- Added possibility to customize upcoming part of the route
- Added ability to configure cache size (64MB - 1000MB)
- Implemented maneuver restrictions on motorcycle turn cost tables
- Fixed positioning latency issue
- Improved MapLoader stability
- Added support for new Apple iPad Pro
- Added possibility to retrieve route element by duration
HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit
Version 2.0.0
- Completed guidance experience and components
- Route planner improvements
- Customization improvements
- Integration of the HERE SDK 3.9
- Support for XCode 10 and Swift 4.2
- The project is now open source
The open source repositories can be found here:
The detailed release notes can be found here:
The following services had new releases with minor changes:
- Geocoder Autocomplete API (Version 6.2.171)
- Traffic API (Version
- Fleet Telematics API Waypoints Sequencing (Version 3.0.18)
Deprecation of Public Venues
• Venues of publicly accessible locations such as e.g. airports or shopping malls are no longer being maintained by HERE. If you are a venue owner and wish for HERE to continue to maintain and surface your venue in our offerings, or those of our partners, please contact us at
• Access to Public Venues remains open for existing commercial customers until validity of the contract.
General Rules Related to HERE Materials and Applications
• In line with the HERE Platform core terms, please ensure that the users of your application build on HERE Mobile SDKs Premium Edition constantly download the latest map version within a couple of weeks after the new map release has been available.
New incidents endpoint for Traffic API
• In May 2018, new /traffic/6.3/incidents endpoint launched to support more incidents data
• The old endpoints /traffic/6.1/incidents and /traffic/6.2/incidents will be working for customers that are still using it